Youth Ministry | Sunday Mornings | Youth Programs | Leadership & Service Opportunities | Summer Service-Learning
Summer Service Learning Experiences

Short-term service and learning experiences can have a big impact.
All our service-learning opportunities are designed to help students:
- Discover where God is already at work in communities in need
- Act as the hands and feet of Christ to share God’s love with the world
- Learn that those who seem different are not very different at all
- Practice putting others’ needs above their own desires
- Lean on God to realize their ability to overcome new challenges
Dates: June 9-13, 2025
How will we serve?
Each day, youth will serve with a different East Bay partner organization. Activities may include packing food boxes, sorting donated clothing, visiting a center for racial justice, assembling hygiene kits, planting, cleaning, serving at a resource center for people experiencing homelessness, visiting with senior citizens, or playing games with local children. Youth may earn up to 15 service hours.
What will we learn?
Throughout the week, youth will learn about some difficulties experienced by our local neighbors and the many ways we can share God’s love within our community! We hope this week will inspire youth to serve others throughout their lives.
*Due to the team-oriented nature of this program & limited space, youth should plan to attend all days of camp. Contact us for special circumstances.
Times: 2-5pm each day (times subject to change)
Eligibility: 5th-7th Grade (Youth who will complete 5th grade in the spring are eligible.)
Cost: $260
-Refundable before May 5, non-refundable after May 5
-Financial assistance available and we are happy to help.
Contact for more details.
Raleigh North Carolina Youth Trip
Dates: July 6-11, 2025
Trip Purpose: RYM’s Mission Immersion programs are opportunities for groups of young people to dive into the challenges and needs of our neighbors who live on the margins of Raleigh. Mission Immersion experiences include service at a variety of local agencies and debriefing that uses Bible study, group discussion, and art projects led by RYM staff.
What Will We Be Doing? LOPC Youth willserve at several Raleigh non-profit agencies and ministries. Some of the work will be physical in nature like working at a local food bank sorting cans and produce and working at a community garden in Durham that feeds those that are food insecure. Some of the work will be more relational, interacting with neighbors who are experiencing homelessness as we provide services and support for them.
Who Can Go? Rising ninth graders and high school students in the 2024/25 school year. Youth must be actively attending the BTW or YOW youth group; those who have attended at least 5 times, of the BTW/YOW meetings through the 2024/25 school year will be considered. For safety and other reasons, it is very important that the youth leaders know each teen participating in the trip.
Where Will We Stay? First Presbyterian Church of Raleigh
Important Dates:
- Sunday, June 22: 10-11am Team Commissioning in Worship Service, 11:15am-12:30pm Mandatory Team Meeting for both participants & parents
- Sunday to Friday, July 6-11: Raleigh Trip
- Worship Service, Youth Sunday & Team Reunion!: August 24, 10am-12pm
Payment info: $900* – The fee covers the cost of the service project supplies, transportation, meals, and other group activities. Registration is open through April 9.
Option 1: Pay in full at time of registration.
Option 2: Pay in installments according to the schedule below:
-Deposit due at registration: $300
-April 15: $200
-May 15: $200
-June 15: $200
If you select Option 2, please click “pay for this in installments” option on the payment tab, and then select “manual payments.” LOPC will withdraw funds from the same payment method on your behalf according to the payment schedule above.
*Please don’t let cost prohibit your participation! The youth mission donation fund also provides for further scholarships, loans, or alternative payment schedules. These are available upon request.
Youth Mission Donation Fund: Our youth mission donation fund also helps to subsidize the cost of the trip. Contributions made to “LOPC Youth Missions” cover our scholarship fund and part of our project costs.
Questions? If you have any other questions, please contact Cynthia at