Serve at LOPC
Donate your time and talents. Volunteers are essential in building our community of faith. And for many, volunteering is an essential part of their personal journey of faith. There are many ways for you to volunteer with LOPC. Find your calling. Volunteer with one of our ministries, Seedlings Preschool, or help with general needs. We welcome volunteers of all abilities.
Serve at LOPC
Donate your time and talents. Volunteers are essential in building our community of faith. And for many, volunteering is an essential part of their personal journey of faith. There are many ways for you to volunteer with LOPC. Find your calling. Volunteer with one of our ministries, Seedlings Preschool, or help with general needs. We welcome volunteers of all abilities.
Volunteers are essential in building our community of faith. And for many, volunteering is an essential part of their personal journey of faith. There are many ways for you to volunteer with LOPC. Find your calling. Volunteer with one of our ministries, Seedlings Preschool, or help with general needs. We welcome volunteers of all abilities.
Children’s Ministry
Disclaimer: All volunteers must have a background check provided by LOPC (Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church) before working with children, youth, and vulnerable populations at LOPC.
The Garden (10:00 – 11:00 am): Volunteers are needed to lead or assist with a small group of children. Groups are divided by grade for children in PreK through 4th. The volunteer roles involve storytelling, crafts, games, and building relationships with children. Time commitment: 1- 4 times per month.
Check-In Greeters (9:45 – 10:15 am): Check-In Greeters welcome families, sign in children for Garden attendance, and register new families who are attending for the first time. Greeters can still make the majority of a worship service. Time commitment: 1 – 4 times per month
PLAY on Wednesdays (3:15 pm – 5:00 pm) – We are actively looking now for volunteers for our Fall kickoff, including small group leaders and artists of all mediums. Curriculum provided and fun guaranteed. This program will serve kids from kindergarten through 4th grade. Time commitment: 2 hours a week for a nine-week session.
Contact Susan Wentworth or Emily Austin for more information.
YOUTH Ministry
Disclaimer: All volunteers must have a background check provided by LOPC (Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church) before working with children, youth, and vulnerable populations at LOPC.
Advisors for Youth Programs – Volunteers are needed to share God’s love with youth during our youth programming on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Wednesday evenings, and special events. For more information, send us an email.
CARE Ministry
Barnabas Visits – In the Bible, we learn that the name Barnabas means “Son of Encouragement.” We have named our visitation ministry “Barnabas” as it is a ministry of Care and Encouragement. Barnabas visitors are assigned a member of the church who may be unable to come to service or church activities. The Barnabas visitor visits about once a month in their home.
Cookie Bakers – Our Memorial Reception team serves cookies at every memorial reception. Every few months, they are in need in cookies. If you’d like to bake, we would love to have your name on our “Cookie bakers” list. When there is a need for cookies, you will contacted by a Deacon.
Helping Hands – The Deacons prepare meals every few months and keep them in a freezer here on campus. When church families are facing a transition of some kind and could use ready- made food, we deliver these meals. If you like to cook, we will keep your name on a list and when there is a need for more food, one of our deacons will contact you.
Monday Morning Prayer Team – The prayer team meets every Monday morning in the
Conference Room in the main office building at 11:00am. The team prays for every request that is received from the Sunday morning worship services. You are welcome to join them!
Special Needs Ministry
Friday Fun Night Buddy – Be a buddy for a child with special needs at Respite Night. Under age 14, with a parent. Contact Susan Wentworth for more information. Time Commitment: typically, the first Friday of the month, 6:00 – 9:00 pm.
Friendship Circle – Help support this once-a-month gathering for high school students. Play games, make crafts, and build lasting friendships. We need engagement from adults and high school youth alike. Contact Susan Wentworth for more information.
Other Service Opportunities
Kurth Memorial Garden – The Kurth Memorial Garden is a place to find comfort and to remember those we have loved. KMG is always looking for volunteers to help with writing projects and administrative tasks. For more info, contact Lexi Morrissey.
Connecting Team Advisor – A team that works to find ways for people to connect at LOPC in a meaningful way. Contact Chris Baldwin for more information.
Sanctuary Guild – Did you know that the Sanctuary pews are maintained entirely by volunteers? Join the Sanctuary Guild and help keep the sanctuary tidy and welcoming for all. Contact Carol King or Bettie Graves for more information.
Reception Desk Volunteer Team – This talented team of volunteers intermittently helps staff the front desk when needed. Your cheerful attitude is the only requirement! Email Ciara Bird for more information.
All-Church Big Events Team – Help organize and throw Fellowship events for the entire LOPC community! We have service opportunities available such as decorating, hospitality/ welcome, ticket distribution, and more! Contact Michelle Browning or for more information.
- T.B.D.