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Various seasons of life | short & long-term groups | shared experiences | safe places
Contact the group moderator to join or learn more!
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. This group meets every Wednesday, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m., in the Chapel. Email info@lopc.org for more information.
Al‑Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. This group meets every Tuesday, 7:30 – 8:45 p.m., in the Chapel. Email info@lopc.org for more information.
Barnabas Visits
Barnabas visitors are assigned a member of the church who may be unable to attend services or activities and will make a visit to their home about once per month. For more information, contact Kathy Hallock.
Cookie Bakers
Our Memorial Reception Team serves cookies at every memorial reception. If you like to bake, we would love to have your name on our “Cookie Bakers” list. When there is a need for cookies, you will be contacted by a Deacon. For more information, please contact us.
Dementia Caregiver’s Support Group
Open to anyone caring for a loved one with dementia/Alzheimer’s, this group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Zoom. Join our ongoing support group to give you ideas for self-care and other-care. Contact Linda Fodrini-Johnson for more information.
Helping Hands
When church families are facing a transition of some kind and could use ready-made food, we deliver these meals. If you like to cook, we will keep your name on a list and when there is a need for more food, one of our deacons will contact you. For more information, please contact us.
Home Communion
LOPC deacons can deliver a communion kit to you so that you can participate with the Livestream service on the first Sunday of each month. Alternatively, deacons can serve you communion at your home. Contact Laurie Miles for more information.
Monday Morning Prayer Team
The prayer team meets every Monday morning at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom (except for the in-person meeting on the first Monday of the month) The team prays for every request that is received from the Sunday morning worship services. For more information and to join, contact Leslie Finertie.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is a reflective process in which a trained spiritual companion walks with you to help you pay attention to God’s work in your life and your most important questions. It is the art of discovering that everyday events are often the means by which God comes to meet us! Contact Diane Grant for more information.
Stephen Ministry
Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry group is available to provide one-on-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing challenging transitions in their lives. To learn more, contact Pastor Jaime Polson or Shirley Moore.
Trinity Center Notes
Senior volunteers write birthday cards and general notes of encouragement for clients of Trinity Center, Walnut Creek. Notes are updated and signed with first names. For information and cards, contact Catherine Coleman.
- Chris Baldwin, Pastor of Community Life