The Kurth Memorial Garden is a beautiful place for remembering those we loved. It is a place to find comfort and inspiration, a hallowed place of peace and tranquility, and a quiet place for meditation and prayer. Here, in the beauty of the hillside and with the strength of our church behind us, we gaze upon the distant hills to find peace and gain a sense of perspective. The Kurth Memorial Garden was conceived and built in this spirit.

The Kurth Memorial Garden is a beautiful place for remembering those we loved. It is a place to find comfort and inspiration, a hallowed place of peace and tranquility, and a quiet place for meditation and prayer. Here, in the beauty of the hillside and with the strength of our church behind us, we gaze upon the distant hills to find peace and gain a sense of perspective. The Kurth Memorial Garden was conceived and built in this spirit.

Kurth Memorial Garden
The Kurth Memorial Garden is designed with niche spaces and wall areas for memorial plaques. It is available to LOPC members and their immediate families. For detailed information about selecting and purchasing a niche or plaque, please email one of our knowledgeable volunteers:
Kristi Haigh
Judy Kronmiller
Lynn Trowbridge
Linda Downing
One of them will be happy to meet with you to select your niche/plaque location and discuss your memorial wishes.

Plaques & Niches
Kurth Memorial Garden is currently under construction during Summer 2024. Sales for plaques and niches will open when construction concludes. If you are interested in getting placed on a waiting list, please contact Lynn Trowbridge.
Kurth Memorial Garden is looking forward to completing a refurbishment and expansion in October 2024. This will include the installation of additional niches on the outside of the Sanctuary walls as well as along the low wall opposite. This expansion will increase the capacity of the Garden by approximately 75%. During construction, there will be no access to the Garden and no sales or interments.
When the Garden reopens, increased prices will go into effect throughout the Garden. Please pick up a brochure with new pricing in the Ministry Center or call us at (925) 283-8722.
If you are a member of LOPC and are interested in planning for the future for yourself or immediate family members, you are eligible to reserve space in the Garden. To join the wait list for when the Garden reopens, please contact Lynn Trowbridge to set up an appointment at the time when construction is complete. Look for communications soon regarding a grand re-opening event.