LOPC Foundation Annual Report

By Jennifer Crocker,
Foundation Trustee, Treasurer
LOPC Foundation closed its September 30, 2021, fiscal year with $12.6 million of invested net assets (equity), after deducting $180,000 of remaining commitments to LOPC. Legacy estate and other gifts in the amount of $25,000 were received. The prior year amount was $188,000.
A 22% investment rate of return for the fiscal year was earned on the Foundation investments, made up of 23 diversified mutual funds and exchange traded funds. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) focused funds are 55% of the investments.
Foundation trustees appropriated $395,000 for church ministries and $118,000 for facilities reserve-study project expenses and facilities capital expenses.
See below for net asset values of the Foundation’s 11 funds and Facilities Reserve Account at September 30, 2021, after additions and disbursements to the church:
General Ministry Fund | $3,534,000 |
Deacons Endowments Fund | $272,000 |
Thursday Fellowship Fund | $279,000 |
Dornsife Youth Fund | $407,000 |
Cranmer Christian Leadership Fund | $277,000 |
Newcomer Women’s Endowment Fund | $3,000 |
Holman Mission Endowment Fund | $119,000 |
Holman Music Fund | $128,000 |
Steuber Landscape Maintenance Endowment Fund | $140,000 |
Facilities Endowment Fund | $6,462,000 |
Facilities Reserve Account** | $938,000 |
*Restricted funds and accounts are available for grants for limited or restricted uses designated by donors or Foundation trustees.
**The Facilities Reserve Account provides funds for planned as well as unexpected facilities and capital equipment projects. In fiscal year 2021, $240,000 was set aside in the account
Learn more about donor opportunities for legacy estate gifts and other gifts to stabilize Foundation support of church ministries in the future at the LOPC website and from Foundation trustees: Jim Beckemeyer (925-324-9655), Doug Bontemps (925-451-4857), Lois Boyd (925-787- 2388), Jen Crocker (925-765-4222), Linda Fodrini Johnson (925-899-6563), Kristi Haigh (925-890-0265), Staci Johnston (925-588-9992), Mike Ross (925-254-6621), and Dara Youngdale (510-388-4000).
Evolution of a Partnership

By Kristi Haigh,
Foundation Trustee
“Stay flexible.” These are words I heard at a recent LOPC leadership event about the postpandemic church. These are vital words to live by in these times. As I write what will most likely be my last Focus article after almost seven years as a Foundation trustee, I am astounded at how “flexible” the LOPC Foundation has been, how it has evolved over the years as its ability to become a more effective partner with LOPC has grown.
When I started on the board, the Foundation had been busy behind the scenes, streamlining its way of managing the portfolio, giving thanks for a large, unexpected legacy gift which allows the Foundation to contribute significantly to maintaining facilities, and reconnecting with the Friends of the Foundation after a time when the church had been focused on significant capital campaigns. We called this a time of “rekindling” of the Foundation.
As the portfolio grew, the Foundation evolved from funding programs in their infancy and newly adopted mission projects, to working more and more closely with the church’s finance team to provide support wherever session deemed it was most needed. The Foundation offers an annual orientation to church leaders about how we can best assist them: at the end of each fiscal year, we determine how much can prudently be withdrawn from the Foundation portfolios that year to be given to the church. LOPC’s elders decide how it should be allocated. Over the years, the partnership has matured and worked more smoothly than ever.
During the past couple of years, the pandemic has caused huge disruptions and challenges for all of us. The church has changed in many ways, but LOPC has been resilient and found new ways to “share the good news of the gospel… provide ministry onsite, offsite, and online… breaking down barriers to being an inclusive community” (all parts of the church’s vision statement). All along the way, the Foundation has sought to be a supportive partner in this work. We have met on Zoom throughout the pandemic, attended session meetings, responded to staff requests, and looked for ways to work with a variety of ministries in our church family.
I have no doubt the Foundation will continue to “stay flexible” in assisting LOPC in its mission.
If you would like to know how you can add to the Foundation’s ability to assist LOPC by becoming a Friend of the Foundation, contact any one of the nine Foundation trustees: Jim Beckemeyer, Doug Bontemps, Lois Boyd, Jen Crocker, Linda FodriniJohnson, Kristi Haigh, Staci Johnston, Mike Ross, and Dara Youngdale.