Christian Zionism in the Palestine/Israel Conflict
September 15 @ 7:00 pm
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LOPC welcomes The Rev. Dr. Alex Awad to LOPC
The Rev. Dr. Alex Awad was born and raised in Jerusalem. For 26 years, he and his wife, Brenda, served as missionaries with the United Methodist Church in Israel/Palestine. Dr. Awad has written Through the Eyes of the Victims and Palestinian Memories, which
reveal the realities of life under Israeli military occupation, along with numerous articles that call for justice for both Palestinians and Israelis.
Christian Zionism in the Palestine/Israel Conflict – What is Christian Zionism and what are its objectives in the region? Rev. Awad will discuss this important topic followed by a time for questions and answers. Join us to understand why it matters that our denomination has joined others in formally rejecting Christian Zionism.
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